NASA Kennedy -- Sunrise over Turn Basin. Photo credit: NASA / Andres Adorno.
NASA Assesses Impact of Present and Future Sea-level Rise
NASA Kennedy — Sunrise over Turn Basin. Photo credit: NASA / Andres Adorno.
In a recent news feature — “Sea-level Rise Hits Home at NASA” — NASA addresses the sustainability of their coastal facilities with the ever increasing threat from sea-level rise. Several storms in the last decade near Cape Canaveral, FL have already caused $100 million worth of damage to Kennedy Space Center. Research by Drs. Peter Adams and John Jaegar, Department of Geological Sciences Associate Professors, have conducted GPS surveys over the past 5 years to assess the rate and major causes of shoreline retreat. Their research helps NASA predict the impact of future climate change as the sea-level rises and the ferocity of storms increases. Read the full feature published by NASA. “Sea-level Rise Hits Home at NASA” — NASA Earth Observatory New Feature “Sea-level Rise Threatens Florida Landmark” — Department of Geological Sciences News Article, December 2014 Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center has been the site of dozens of Apollo era and space shuttle launches. Future SLS and Orion spacecraft will lift off from this site. Photo credit: NASA.