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Dr. Ryan Wilhelmi

Contact Information

Email: rwilhelmi

Adjunct Lecturer

Contact Information: Email

Office:  Williamson Hall

Education: Ph.D. Geology, University of Florida, 2020

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Areas of Interest / Research:

  • Tectonics
  • Isotope Geochemistry
  • Thermochronology
  • Geochronology


Dr. Wilhelmi is an adjunct lecturer in the department, teaching a variety of courses such as Geology of American National Parks, Intro to Earth Science, and Natural Disasters. His research identifies the timing and rate of tectonic, dynamic, and magmatic processes that cause chemical and physical modification of continental crust. To do this, he integrates a wide range of tools, including isotope geochemistry, geochronology, thermochronology, and structural geology. Current projects are based in the Rocky Mountains of the U.S., where exposures of basement rock provide a great natural laboratory to test hypotheses about the formation of North America