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Dynamics and Materials of Earth and Planets


Dr. Stephen Elardo–Planetary Geochemistry, Igneous Petrology, Experimental Petrology, Lunar Science, Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes



Dr. Alessandro Forte— Global Geophysics, Computational Geodynamics, Mantle Convection Modeling, Global Seismic Tomographic Imaging, Geophysical Inversions, Data Assimilation, Time-Reversed Convection, Mantle Rheology, Plate Tectonics, Global Geoid and Gravity Anomalies, Global Surface Topography, Global Sea Level Changes, True Polar Wander



Dr. Dave Foster–Tectonics, Thermochronology, Geochronology, Volcanic soil amendments, Enhanced Weathering and CO2 Sequestration




Dr. George Kamenov–Ore-deposit formation, Submarine hydrothermal processes, Geochemistry of Environmental and Human Samples, ICP-MS analytical techniques




Dr. Anita Marshall–Geoscience education, Accessibility in science, Volcanology




Dr. Joseph Meert— Paleomagnetism and geochronology of the Mesoproterozoic to earliest Palaeozoic, Plate Configurations, Paleoclimatology, Evolution of life on Earth






Dr. Raymond Russo— Tectonics, Seismology, Upper Mantle Flow, Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interactions






Dr. Matthew Smith— Geoscience Education, Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry, Crustal Accretion at Mid-Ocean Ridges





Dr. Courtney Sprain— 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology, Paleomagnetism, Causes and consequences of Mass Extinctions, Long-term variations in Earth’s magnetic field and links to deep interior processes





Dr. James Vogl— Structural Geology, Tectonics, Thermochronology, Geochronology, Metamorphic Petrology





Dr. Dogancan Yasar— Tectonics, Geochronology, Geochemistry