Associate Professor
Contact Information: Website
Office: 223 Williamson Hall
Education: Ph.D. Northwestern University, 1990
Areas of Interest / Research
- Tectonics
- Seismology
- Upper Mantle Flow
- Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interactions
Dr. Ray Russo is a geophysics professor that works on upper mantle flow, seismic anisotropy and attenuation, structure of the Earth’s crust and mantle, large-magnitude earthquakes, viscosity of the upper mantle, and seismotectonics. He uses temporary field deployments of seismometers and GPS receivers (currently in southern Chile), freely-distributed seismic data, and computer modeling of large-scale tectonics. Russo has taught undergraduate and graduate classes in physical geology, structural geology, geophysics, tectonophysics, terrestrial gravity and magnetism, seismology, oceanography, and climate change.