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Mark Brenner teaches a course in Colombia

The UF Geological Sciences Department enjoys long-standing, close ties with several universities in Colombia, where a number of our former PhD students are on the faculty.  Several members of our department have conducted field research in Colombia, served on graduate committees at Colombian institutions, and have ongoing in-country projects.  During the first week of December, […]

25 People Shaping the Future in Tech, Science, Medicine, Activism and More

Rolling Stone published a list of “25 People Shaping the Future in Tech, Science, Medicine, Activism and More.”  Jeff Goddell, the Rolling Stone writer and author of “The Water Will Come” chose to write about Andrea Dutton because of her work on sea level rise. Check out the article here: For more information on Dr. […]

Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Damara Orogen in Namibia

David Foster and Ben Goscombe (courtesy faculty member) recently published two large “focus” papers on the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Damara Orogen in Namibia.   A comprehensive analysis of the structures at the intersection of two major continental-continent collisional, suture zone was published in Geoscience Frontiers (  A review of the metamorphic architecture of the Damara Belt was published […]

Engineered river diversions sequester carbon in deltas

Delta of a distributary on the Mississippi River created by coastal engineering efforts may have the potential to build long-term sinks of greenhouse gases.Many deltas are threatened by greater subsidence (subterranean sinking and caving) and relative sea-level rise compared to coastlines without deltas. Thus engineering efforts to expand carbon-sequestering habitats must accommodate total carbon sequestration […]