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Seismology and Society – Preparing for the Next Big Quake

An article written by Dr. Ray Russo was published on The Conversation, May 1, 2015. As publicly funded research becomes increasingly threatened, making policy-makers aware of the role of cutting-edge scientific research in the future safety of society is vitally important. Dr. Ray Russo explains the key role of seismology in predicting future earthquake risk in light of […]

Isotope Ratios in Tooth Enamel Track Migration

Four-thousand-year-old teeth can tell a story of ancient Indus civilization migratory habits. New interdisciplinary research involving isotopic analysis of four-thousand-year-old tooth enamel has shed light on the migratory habits of ancient Indus civilizations. The innovative study by Dr. Benjamin Valentine (former UF PhD student) and UF researchers Dr. George Kamenov and Dr. John Krigbaum was recently featured […]

SEG-sponsored Geophysical Field Class

Graduate GLY5786 Topics in Field Geology: 2 Credits Undergraduate GLY4930 Geophysical Field Methods : 2 Credits Application Deadline: DEADLINE PASSED Application Form: SEG Field Class Application (PDF) An exciting new class will be offered in the geology department for Fall 2015 – Near-Surface Geophysical Field Methods (GLY5786L/GLY4930). During the course students will learn the theory behind and will gain hands-on experience with […]