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Dr. Emma “Mickey” MacKie

Contact Information

Email: emackie

Assistant Professor

Contact Information: Website

Office: 221 Williamson Hall

Education: Ph.D., Geophysics, Stanford University, 2021

Google Scholar


Areas of Interest / Research

  • Glaciology
  • Geophysics
  • Geostatistics

Dr. Emma "Mickey" MacKie and the Gator Glaciology lab is focused on investigating the conditions beneath ice sheets and their influence on ice sheet evolution. We specialize in the development and application of machine learning tools for studying this environment. Areas of research include geophysical data analysis, geostatistical simulation, hydrological modeling, and geologic interpretation.

The topography beneath glaciers controls the flow of ice and subglacial water. Traditional approaches for estimating the topography produce topography that is unrealistically smooth, which can bias ice sheet models. We use geostatistical methods to stochastically simulate realistically rough topography. Ongoing research includes the development of geostatistical methods and their application in Greenland and Antarctica.