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Dr. John M. Jaeger

Contact Information

Email: jmjaeger

Professor & Graduate Coordinator

Contact Information: Website

Office: 365 Williamson Hall

Education: Ph.D. Geological Oceanography, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1998

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Areas of Interest / Research

  • Coastal and Marine Sedimentology
  • Glacial Sedimentary Processes
  • Continental Margin Stratigraphy


Dr. John Jaeger is a marine geologist that studies the geologic and climatic processes that generate, transport, and deposit terrestrial sediments to the coastal ocean and how these processes are “recorded” in modern to Pleistocene (~3 million years)-age marine sedimentary strata. Results from these two foci are critical to understanding past depositional environments, sea level variations, erosional rates, sediment sources, and ocean chemistry. His studies are targeted at polar studies in Alaska, Antarctica, and Greenland.