- Dr. Joe Meert was awarded a Fulbright Nehru Scholarship for upcoming work in India (2024-2025).
- Dr. Ellen Martin was honored as an American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fellow 2023 for her work in Ocean Sciences.
- Dr. Jon Martin was awarded as a UFRF Professor for 2023 and inducted into the UF Academy of Distinguished Teacher Scholars in 2024.
- Dr. Oana Dumitru was honored with the Doris M. Curtis Outstanding Woman in Science Award by the Geological Society of America (GSA) for women who impacted the field of geosciences based on their Ph.D. research. She also received the Early-Career Award from PAGES (the international research program on Past Global Changes) for excellence in collaborative scholarship.
- Dr. Mickey MacKie received UF’s AI Rising Star award, which honors faculty who exemplify innovation, leadership, and excellence in integrating AI into their academic disciplines.
- Drs. Steve Elardo and Amy Williams were members of the planning and definition committee for the UF Astraeus Space Institute, which received Strategic Initiative funding. Dr. Williams has been named an Assistant Director for the Space Institute.
- Dr. Rob Hatfield served as the Chief Scientist on a successful 5-week research cruise in Baffin Bay that was funded by his NSF research proposal. As an outcome of the cruise, he co-produced an education film about the Baffin Bay Deglacial Experiment that won best climate action film at the Arctic Film Festival and was screened at several other film festivals.

- Staff members Steve Forguson and Carrie Williams were nominated for and awarded UF Superior Accomplishment Awards.

- Katie Bristol won the Outstanding Student Presentation Award for the Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, and Electromagnetism division at the Fall AGU Meeting.
- Stephanie Killingsworth received two awards: the National Award for Graduate Student Excellence, from the Association of Women Geoscientists and the Paleontology Society’s Winifred Golding Award for an outstanding student pursuing a career in paleontology.
- Paloma Caceres Olarte was the recipient of the Geological Society of America (GSA) Donald R. Coates Award 2024 for a promising graduate student pursuing research in Quaternary geology. She also received funding for her GSA Graduate Student Research proposal.
- Michael Fields won the best student poster award at the 2023 Lofotseminar in Applied Geophysics in Norway.
- Megan Black was honored with the 2023 AGU Michael H Freilich Student Visualization Competition Award.
- Lindsay Monito and recent graduate Nicole Greco were chosen to sail on the final cruise of the International Ocean Discovery Program with financial support from the program. Greco sailed as the lead sedimentologist.
- Samuel Kawfo, Danilo Cruz, Paloma Caceres Olarte, and Copeland Cromwell were all awarded GSA Graduate Student Research Grants.
- Denise Buckner received the 2023 Florida Space Grant Consortium Dissertation and Thesis Improvement Fellowship in addition to research and travel support from a separate award.
- Phylinda Gant and Lydia Kivrak both received research funding from the Florida Space Grant program.
- Gabe Johnson received support to participate in the 2024 ASPECT Hackathon (CIG) in Colorado.
- Prahkin Assavapanuvat received a Student/Early Career Travel Award to the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) Conference 2023 in Oregon.
- Matheus De Assis Bose was granted a fellowship through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) to work with the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), focusing on the application of geospatial tools to improve inlet sediment management.
- Copeland Cromwell was awarded a Department of Defense (DoD) Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarship this year, which provides tuition and stipend for the remainder pf his degree, and partners him with a DoD mentor to assist with transition to the DoD workforce.
- Brian Kelly was granted a summer USGS Pathways Internship for the Geologic Hazards Science Center in Golden, CO.
- Luis Torres won 1st Place in the UF Three-Minute Thesis Competition.