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The Department of Geological Sciences has world-class faculty in a wide range of Earth and Planetary science disciplines. Our students benefit from diverse faculty and access to modern analytical facilities.

Professor, Chair

Areas of Interest: Paleoceanographer, Paleoclimatologist, Radiogenic Isotopes, Ocean Circulation, Chemical Weathering.

Professor, Associate Chair

Areas of Interest: Geochemistry, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Karsts, Coasts, Sea Level, Glacial Landscapes



Areas of Interest: Quantitative Geomorphology, Coastal Processes, Real-Time Instrumentation, Modeling of Surface Processes

Distinguished Professor

Areas of Interest: Carbon Cycling, Chemical Biomarkers, Biogeochemistry.


Areas of Interest: Limnology, Paleolimnology, Climate Change, Pb-210 Dating, Human Disturbance

Senior Associate-In Geochemistry

Areas of Interest: Stable Isotopes, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Sediment Coring, Paleoclimate.

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest: Volcanology, High-Temperature Geochemistry, Experimental Petrology, Planetary Geochemistry

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest: Sea level reconstruction, Paleoclimatology, Geochronology.

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest: Planetary Geochemistry, Igneous Petrology, Experimental Petrology, Lunar Science, Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes


Areas of Interest: Global Geophysics, Computational Geodynamics, Mantle Convection Modeling, Global Seismic Tomographic Imaging, Geophysical Inversions, Data Assimilation, Time-Reversed Convection, Mantle Rheology, Plate Tectonics, Global Geoid and Gravity Anomalies, Global Surface Topography, Global Sea Level Changes, True Polar Wander.


Areas of Interest: Tectonics, Thermochronology, and Geochronology, Volcanic soil amendments, enhanced weathering and CO2 sequestration.

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest: Environmental Magnetism, Paleomagnetism.

Professor & Graduate Coordinator

Areas of Interest: Coastal and Marine Sedimentology, Glacial Sedimentary Processes, Continental Margin Stratigraphy.

Senior Associate

Areas of Interest: Ore-deposit formation, Submarine hydrothermal processes, Geochemistry of Environmental and Human Samples, ICP-MS analytical techniques.

Associate in Geology

Areas of Interest:  Aquatic Ecology, Nutrient Cycling, Sediment Core Studies, Gamma Spectroscopy, Pb-210 Dating

Associate Professor

Areas of Interest: Mathematical Modeling of Coastal Landscape Evolution, Moving Boundary Problems in Earth Science, Interconnections between Coastal Geomorphology, Ecology, and Human Activities, Quantitative Approaches in Geomorphology and Stratigraphy

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest: Glaciology, Geophysics, Geostatistics.

Senior Lecturer

Areas of Interest: Geoscience education, Accessibility in science, Volcanology.

Professor, Chair

Areas of Interest: Paleoceanographer, Paleoclimatologist, Radiogenic Isotopes, Ocean Circulation, Chemical Weathering.

Professor, Associate Chair

Areas of Interest: Geochemistry, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Karsts, Coasts, Sea Level, Glacial Landscapes

Professor & Undergraduate Coordinator

Areas of Interest: Paleomagnetism and geochronology of the Mesoproterozoic to earliest Palaeozoic, Plate Configurations, Paleoclimate and evolution of life on Earth.

Associate Professor

Areas of Interest: Tectonics, Seismology, Upper Mantle Flow, Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interactions.

Master Lecturer & UF Online Undergraduate Advisor

Areas of Interest: Geoscience Education, Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry, Crustal Accretion at Mid-Ocean Ridges.

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, Paleomagnetism, Causes and consequences of Mass Extinctions, Long-term variations in Earth's magnetic field and links to deep interior processes.

Senior Lecturer

Areas of Interest: Structural Geology, Tectonics, Thermochronology, Geochronology, Metamorphic Petrology

Adjunct Lecturer

Areas of Interest: Tectonics, Isotope Geochemistry, Thermochronology, Geochronology.

Associate Professor

Areas of Interest: Astrobiology, Geobiology, Organic Geochemistry, Planetary Science.

Research Scientist

Areas of Interest: Tectonics, Geochronology, Geochemistry.

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest: Hydrogeology, Flow in Porous Media, Reactive Transport, Fluid-Rock Interaction, Inverse Problems.


Areas of Interest: Organic Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Geomicrobiology, Marine Science.

Emeritus Faculty

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Areas of Interest:  Paleomagnetism, Geomagnetism and Environmental Magnetism

Associate in Geological Sciences

Areas of Interest: Isotope geology, geochemistry, geochronology, tectonics.


Areas of Interest: Chemical and geodynamic evolution of the crust-mantle system, with an emphasis on the chronologic, isotopic, and elemental systematics of Precambrian rocks and their implications for Precambrian tectonics. Geochronology and isotope geology, with an emphasis on the U-Pb, Rb- Sr, Lu-Hf, and Sm-Nd systematics in igneous,metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks and minerals.

Distinguished Professor

Areas of Interest: Petrogenesis of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), island arc lavas, and plutons.

Dr. Daniel P. Spangler
Associate Professor Emeritus
Associate in Geology

Areas of Interest: Hydrologic instrumentation design and development (including water sampling, nitrate and phosphate sensing), sensor networks, and mass spectrometry.

Affiliate Faculty

Florida Museum of Natural History (opens in new tab)

FlMNH Director, Curator, Professor
Professor, Curator, Jon L. and Beverly A. Thompson Chair of Invertebrate Paleontology

Department of Geography (opens in new tab)


Areas of Interest: Fluvial Geomorphology Disturbed/Modified Rivers and River Restoration, Fluvial and Coastal Hazards, Riverine-Coastal interactions.

Courtesy Faculty

  • Dr. Amy Brown
  • Dr. Paul F. Ciesielski
  • Dr. Juliane Dannberg
  • Dr. Andrea Dutton
  • Dr. Jaime Escobar
  • Dr. Rene Gassmoeller
  • Dr. Benjamin Goscombe
  • Dr. Philip Neuhoff
  • Dr. Mark Panning
  • Dr. Curtis Pollman
  • Dr. Thomas Whitmore