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Dr. Thomas S. Bianchi


Jon L. and Beverly A. Thompson Endowed Chair of Geological Sciences

Contact Information: Email / Website

Office: 205 Williamson Hall

Education: Ph.D. Marine Sciences/Biogeochemistry, University of Maryland, 1987

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Areas of Interest/Research:

  • Carbon Cycling
  • Chemical Biomarkers
  • Biogeochemistry

Dr. Bianchi’s research is aimed at understanding organic matter cycling in rivers, estuaries, and the global ocean. Over the past few decades, his research team has utilized chemical biomarker techniques, along with multiple other lines of molecular evidence, based in microbial ecology, organic geochemistry and isotope geochemistry, to investigate challenging questions pertaining to carbon cycling in aquatic ecosystems.  In particular, his group has explored how the age, composition, and sources of OM, delivered to the coastal ocean, is changing with global warming, and how that is impacting organic carbon burial and sequestration.