We are now doing all Supervisory Committee paperwork Via DocuSign.
A minimum of 3 days before you have a meeting please let Diana Adams know and she will set-up everything needed for the paperwork.
She will send the Committee Meeting Form to you to fill in your Title and the number of credits that you have taken. Once you return that to Diana, She will have it ready for your Committee.
Once your Committee has completed the paperwork, it will come back to you through DocuSign for your signature.
Chairs of the Committee
After the Faculty fill out their individual Rubric, a completed copy will be sent to you through DocuSign. Diana will also receive a completed copy that she will file in the students permanent record once the Supervisory Committee Report form is completed. After the meeting, please send the Diana the written information for the following sections of the Supervisory Committee Report:
- Committee Comments of Progress
- Committee Recommendations
- Overall assessment–Progress (Please Choose One of the Following)
- Excellent
- Very Good
- Satisfactory
- Conditionally Satisfactory (Specify Conditions/Deadline)
- Unsatisfactory
Diana will input the information into the form and send the completed form to you and the other members of the Committee for signatures through DocuSign.
If you have ANY questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Diana Adams