Areas of Interest: Quantitative Geomorphology, Coastal Processes, Real-Time Instrumentation, Modeling of Surface Processes
Areas of Interest: Limnology, Paleolimnology, Climate Change, Pb-210 Dating, Human Disturbance
Areas of Interest: Stable Isotopes, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Sediment Coring, Paleoclimate.
Areas of Interest: Sea level reconstruction, Paleoclimatology, Geochronology.
Areas of Interest: Global Geophysics, Computational Geodynamics, Mantle Convection Modeling, Global Seismic Tomographic Imaging, Geophysical Inversions, Data Assimilation, Time-Reversed Convection, Mantle Rheology, Plate Tectonics, Global Geoid and Gravity Anomalies, Global Surface Topography, Global Sea Level Changes, True Polar Wander.
Areas of Interest: Environmental Magnetism, Paleomagnetism.
Areas of Interest: Coastal and Marine Sedimentology, Glacial Sedimentary Processes, Continental Margin Stratigraphy.
Areas of Interest: Aquatic Ecology, Nutrient Cycling, Sediment Core Studies, Gamma Spectroscopy, Pb-210 Dating
Areas of Interest: Mathematical Modeling of Coastal Landscape Evolution, Moving Boundary Problems in Earth Science, Interconnections between Coastal Geomorphology, Ecology, and Human Activities, Quantitative Approaches in Geomorphology and Stratigraphy
Areas of Interest: Glaciology, Geophysics, Geostatistics.
Areas of Interest: Paleoceanographer, Paleoclimatologist, Radiogenic Isotopes, Ocean Circulation, Chemical Weathering.
Areas of Interest: Geochemistry, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Karsts, Coasts, Sea Level, Glacial Landscapes
Areas of Interest: Hydrogeology, Flow in Porous Media, Reactive Transport, Fluid-Rock Interaction, Inverse Problems.