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Can Rapid Magnetic Reversals Cause a Mass Extinction?

A study by Dr. Joseph Meert — Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences — and his colleagues suggests an unstable magnetic field may provide an explanation for major evolutionary changes at the end of the Ediacaran Period (542Ma). Read more about their study in a recent article featured in Science Magazine, “Hyperactive magnetic field […]

Paul Mueller honored at Geological Society of America Meeting

Paul Mueller honored with a special session at the Geological Society of America Meeting in Seattle.

Paul Mueller honored with a special session at the Geological Society of America Meeting in Seattle. A special session in celebrating of the career contributions of Professor Paul Mueller was a feature of the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Seattle in October.  The session included talks and posters centered on the topic of […]

Yucatan Field Course

It was a busy first week for students attending the UF in Merida (Yucatan, Mexico) Program.  After arriving in Merida on the evening of June 17, students met on Monday (June 19) at the Centro Institucional de Lenguas, where they study Spanish. On Wednesday, they headed for the town of Izamal, where they visited a […]

Using Noise to Monitor Permafrost

Using Noise to Monitor Permafrost

UF Geological Sciences PhD student Stephanie James has been advancing new methods to use seismic noise to monitor seasonal changes in depth to ice in Alaskan sediments. With co-authors from Sandia National Laboratory and UF, she recently published a paper “Improved moving window cross-spectral analysis for resolving large temporal seismic velocity changes in permafrost” in […]

GrAINFluxes – Greenland Atmospheric Isotopic and Nutrient Fluxes

GrAINFluxes – Greenland Atmospheric Isotopic and Nutrient Fluxes

A study aimed at developing a holistic understanding of weathering across forelands of retreating ice sheets.   Following the last glacial maximum about 20,000 yrs ago, ice sheets retreated from much of North America and Eurasia, leaving the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) as the largest ice sheet in the northern hemisphere.  Chemical weathering of finely […]