Summer A
Attributes: General Education – Biological Science, General Education – Physical Science
3 Credits
Prerequisite: Critical Tracking semester 2 or greater.
3 Credits
GLY 3163 — Geology of American National Parks Syllabus | Dr. David Foster
Prerequisite: None
2 Credits
GLY 4930 GeoSPACE Syllabus | Dr. Anita Marshall
1-15 Credits Max 6 Credits
GLY 6971 Master’s Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7979 Advanced Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have not been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7980 Doctoral Research | STAFF
Summer B
Attributes: General Education – Physical Science
3 Credits
ESC 1000 — Introduction to Earth Sciences—In Person Syllabus | Dr. Raymond Russo
Attributes: General Education – Physical Science
1 Credit
GLY 1150 — Florida Geology Lab Syllabus | STAFF
Attributes: General Education – Physical Science
4 Credits
GLY 2010C Syllabus | Dr. Matthew Smith
Prerequisite: 2.5 GPA, Student is in good standing
3 Credits
GLY 4930 — Study Abroad/ Tropical Ecology–Yucatan Syllabus | Dr. Mark Brenner
Prerequisite: 2.5 GPA, Student is in good standing
2 Credits
GLY 4930 Study Abroad/ Humans and Environment–Yucatan Syllabus | Dr. Mark Brenner
Want to learn Python but don’t have coding experience? This course is a gentle introduction to Python programming for geoscientists. You will learn how to code, teach yourself how to use software packages, troubleshoot errors, navigate in terminal, and build confidence in your programming skills. You will develop technical skills that are in demand for a variety of scientific and industry disciplines.
Prerequisite: None
2 Credits
GLY 4930 — Python Programming for Geoscientists Syllabus | Dr. Emma “Mickey” MacKie
1-15 Credits Max 6 Credits
GLY 6971 Master’s Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7979 Advanced Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have not been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7980 Doctoral Research | STAFF
Attributes: General Education – Physical Science
3 Credits
OCE 1001 Syllabus | Dr. Andrew Zimmerman
Summer C
Prerequisite: GLY 4750L and instructor permission.
6 Credits
GLY 4790 —Geology Summer Field Camp Syllabus | Dr. James Vogl
Prerequisite: None
0-3 Credits
GLY 4911 —Undergraduate Research in Geology | STAFF
Prerequisite: None
1-4 Credits, Max 12 credits
GLY 6905 Individual Work | STAFF
1-15 Credits Max 6 Credits
GLY 6971 Master’s Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7979 Advanced Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have not been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7980 Doctoral Research | STAFF