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Certificate in Geological Sciences


The 16 credit-hour certificate in geological sciences is offered via distance learning. The certificate offers coursework in geological sciences relevant to environmental policy and law, resource economics, teaching, regional planning, building construction, and related fields. The certificate program includes courses required to take the professional geologist licensure exam (PG) and students may take as many as 30 credits.
Students must have completed all course prerequisites before enrolling in any course. Degree-seeking geological science majors are not eligible for this certificate.


Courses in geology provide the background for careers in geology, STEM teaching, public policy, and environmental risk assessment, among others. The Certificate in Geology is offered via distance learning to non-UF students and requires a minimum of 16 credits in Geology courses.
Students must have completed all course prerequisites before enrolling in any course. Degree-seeking geological science majors are not eligible for this certificate.
Required Courses

  • GLY 2030C Environmental and Engineering Geology, 3 credits or GLY2010 Physical Geology, 4 credits
  • GLY3202 Earth Materials, 3 credits
  • GLY3105 Evolution of Earth and Life, 4 credits

Choose Two (6 credits minimum):

  • GLY3882, Hydrogeology and Human Affairs, 3 credits
  • GLY3163 Geology of National Parks, 3 credits
  • GLY4155 Geology of Florida, 3 credits
  • GLY4552C Sedimentary Geology, 4 credits
  • GLY4700 Geomorphology, 3 credits
  • GLY4822 Groundwater Geology, 3 credits

Tuition and Fees


Click here to register
Contact:  Mrs. Diana Adams
Department coordinator: Dr. Matt Smith


Professional Geologist (PG) exams require coursework in geology and proficiency in basic geological concepts and their applications. Students intending to take the PG exam will have the option to take additional courses to achieve the minimum of 30 credit hours required.
If you are interested in learning more about the Certificate in Geology please contact Diana Adams at