Summer A
Attributes: General Education – Biological Science, General Education – Physical Science
3 Credits
Prerequisite: Critical Tracking semester 2 or greater.
3 Credits
Prerequisite: None
2 Credits
Prerequisite: three courses in geology or instructor permission.
1-3 Credits
1-15 Credits Max 6 Credits
GLY 6971 Master’s Research | STAFF
1-12 Credits
GLY 7979 Advanced Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have not been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7980 Doctoral Research | STAFF
Summer B
Attributes: General Education – Physical Science
3 Credits
Attributes: General Education – Physical Science
1 Credit
GLY 1150L Syllabus | STAFF
Attributes: General Education – Physical Science
4 Credits
GLY 2010C Syllabus | Dr. Matthew Smith
Prerequisite: 2.5 GPA, Student is in good standing
3 Credits
GLY 4930 — Study Abroad/ Tropical Ecology–Yucatan Syllabus | Dr. Mark Brenner
Prerequisite: 2.5 GPA, Student is in good standing
2 Credits
GLY 4930 Study Abroad/ Humans and Environment–Yucatan Syllabus | Dr. Mark Brenner
1-15 Credits Max 6 Credits
GLY 6971 Master’s Research | STAFF
1-12 Credits
GLY 7979 Advanced Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have not been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7980 Doctoral Research | STAFF
Attributes: General Education – Physical Science
3 Credits
Summer C
Prerequisite: GLY 4750L and instructor permission.
6 Credits
GLY 4911 —Undergraduate Research in Geology | STAFF
Prerequisite: None
1-4 Credits, Max 12 credits
GLY 6905 Individual Work | STAFF
1-15 Credits Max 6 Credits
GLY 6971 Master’s Research | STAFF
1-12 Credits
GLY 7979 Advanced Research | STAFF
Not appropriate for students who have not been admitted to candidacy.
1-12 Credits
GLY 7980 Doctoral Research | STAFF