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Major Advisor: Dr. Michael Perfit
Dissertation Title: Petrogenesis of the 8 Degrees 20 Minutes N Seamount Chain: Modeling Mantle Heterogeneity and Melting in the Near-Ridge Environment

Major Advisor: Dr. Ellen Martin
Thesis Title: Development of Northern Component Water during the Latest Cretaceous

Major Advisor: Dr. Thomas Bianchi
Dissertation Title: Mangrove Encroachment of Salt Marshes in Apalachicola Estuary: Impacts on Organic Carbon Burial

Major Advisor: Dr. Stephen Elardo
Dissertation Title: The Petrology of the Lunar Interior and Its Early Magmatism Addressed through a Modeling, Analytical, and Experimental Approach

Major Advisor: Dr. Bruce MacFadden
Thesis Title: Carbon Isotope Analysis of Mammalian Herbivore Teeth from a 10 Million-Year-Time Span, Including the mid Miocene Climatic Optimum, Florida

Major Advisor: Dr. David Foster
Dissertation Title: Extensional Tectonics and 3D Development of the Pioneer Metamorphic Core Complex, Idaho

Major Advisor: Dr. Andrew Zimmerman
Dissertation Title: The Production, Composition, and Stability of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter

Major Advisor: Dr. Courtney Sprain
Dissertation Title: Earth's Evolution from Core to Atmosphere: Paleomagnetic and Geochronologic Insights from the Indian Subcontinent

Major Advisor: Dr. Amy Williams
Dissertation Title: Predicting the Mixed Signal of Organics on Mars: Ancient Biotic, Meteoritic Abiotic, or UV-Altered Meteoritic?

Major Advisor: Dr. Ellen Martin
Dissertation Title: Ice Sheet Histories and Sea-Level Change during the Last Interglacial and Termination I Inferred from Fossil Corals: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Major Advisor: Dr. Peter Adams
Dissertation Title: Assessing Storm-Driven Evolution of Coastal Morphology through the Use and Development of Numerous Observational Techniques

Major Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Martin
Dissertation Title: Evaluating Environmental Controls on Nitrous Oxide Processing in Carbonate Aquatic Systems

Major Advisor: Dr. Ellen Martin
Thesis Title: Weathering during Glacial-Interglacial Cycles Based on Pb Isotopes at Orphan Knoll, NW Atlantic

Major Advisor: Dr. Andrew Zimmerman
Thesis Title: Investigating the Role of EPS in Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation

Received MS Fall 2023
Major Advisor: Dr. Thomas Bianchi
Thesis Title: Spatial and Temporal Cycling of Dissolved Organic Matter in South Florida Treatment Wetlands

Major Advisor: Dr. John Jaeger
Dissertation Title: Quantitative Grain Size Analysis of Water Column and Sub-Seafloor Sediments in Ice-Proximal Environments as Influenced by Glacial Meltwater and Sediment Discharge

Major Advisor: Dr. Michal Kowalewski
Thesis Title: Comparative Analyses of Live and Dead Mollusks as a Tool for Assessing Human Impact on Seagrass Ecosystems along the Northern Gulf Coast of Florida

Major Advisor: Dr. Courtney Sprain
Dissertation Title: A multidisciplinary Approach to Western North American Landscape Evolution and the Associated Hazards

Major Advisor: Dr. Thomas Bianchi
Dissertation Title: Molecular Biomarker Approaches to Determining Organic Matter Sources and Degradation States in High Latitude Permafrost-Affected Soils

Major Advisor: Dr. David Foster
Dissertation Title: In-Situ Chemical and Isotopic Analyses of Major and Accessory Mineral Phases: Method Developments and Applications to the Damara Orogen and East Pacific Rise

Major Advisor: Dr. Peter Adams
Dissertation Title: Reusable Geoscientific Software Design and Applications in Coastal Morphology Research and Education

Major Advisor: Dr. Amy Williams
Thesis Title: Biosignature Preservation Potential in Manganese Oxides

Major Advisor: Dr. Raymond Russo
Dissertation Title: Investigating Rupture Properties of Large Earthquakes for Seismic Hazard Mitigation

Major Advisor: Dr. Bruce MacFadden
Thesis Title: Geochemistry of Fossil Shark Teeth as Age Proxies for Neogene Sites of Florida
Current Position/Institution: K-12 Education & Outreach Coordinator at the Florida Museum of Natural History

Major Advisor: Dr. Robert Hatfield
Thesis Title: The Particle Size Specific Magnetic Record of IODP Site U1302/03: Fingerprinting Late Pleistocene Laurentide Ice Sheet Instabilities in the North Atlantic Sediment Record

Major Advisor: Dr. Michal Kowalewski
Dissertation Title: Freshwater Conservation Paleobiology: Understanding the Historical Ecology of Spring-Fed Fluvial Systems in Florida Using Fossil and Modern Mollusks

Major Advisor: Dr. Ellen Martin
Thesis Title: Larger Benthic Foraminiferal Response to the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in Florida

Major Advisor: Dr. Andrew Zimmerman
Dissertation Title: Pyrogenic Carbon in Soil and Comparison of Quantitative Methods

Major Advisor: Dr. Bruce MacFadden
Thesis Title: Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes Provide New Insights on Climate and Paleoecology during the Late Miocene in Northcentral New Mexico

Major Advisor: Dr. John Jaeger
Thesis Title: Establishing Spatial Patterns of Late Pleistocene to Modern Glacial Erosion in the Bering-Bagley Glacial System, Gulf of Alaska, from IODP Expedition 341 Site U1421

Major Advisor: Dr. Raymond Russo
Thesis Title: Determining Crust and Upper Mantle Structure by Bayesian Joint Inversion of Receiver Function, Surface Wave Dispersion and Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity at a Single Station: Preparation for Data from the InSight Mission

Major Advisor: Dr. Joseph Meert
Dissertation Title: Precambrian India from the Hadean to the Proterozoic: Geochemical and Paleomagnetic Investigations of the Singhbhum and Dharwar Cratons

Major Advisor: Dr. Paul Mueller
Thesis Title: Tracing Archean-Proterozoic Crustal Evolution in Northern Michigan Using U-Pb Age and Hf Isotopic Compositions of Detrital Zircons

Major Advisor: Dr. James Vogl
Thesis Title: Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Eocene Pioneer Intrusive Suite: Pioneer Metamorphic Core Complex South-Central Idaho

Major Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Martin
Dissertation Title: Carbon Cycling in the Carbonate Critical Zone

Major Advisor: Dr. David Foster
Dissertation Title: Research and Outreach in Idaho's Geology: Timescales and Conditions for Decoupled Crustal Flow in the Pioneer Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, and Impacts of Google-Earth Electronic Field Trips in K-12 Environments

Major Advisor: Dr. Peter Adams
Dissertation Title: Hydrodynamic Processes Associated with the Evolution of Cape-Related Shoals

Major Advisor: Dr. John Jaeger
Dissertation Title: The Late Quaternary Continental Margin Sedimentary Record of Glacial Erosion Within the St. Elias Mountain Range, Southeastern Alaska

Major Advisor: Dr. Bruce MacFadden
Dissertation Title: Florida's Chondrichthyan Fossil Record (Eocene-Pleistocene)

Major Advisor: Dr. Joseph Meert
Dissertation Title: Space and Time: Using Paleomagnetism, Geochronology and Numerical Methods to Create and Assess Spatiotemporal Geological Relationships through Earth History

Major Advisor: Dr. John Jaeger
Thesis Title: Late Pleistocene Sea-Level Change and Reef Response Inferred from Fossil Reefs at Red Bluff, Western Australia

Major Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Martin
Thesis Title: Controls on Wetland Phosphorus Distribution in Big Cypress Wetlands, South Florida

Major Advisor: Dr. Andrea Dutton
Dissertation Title: Inferences of Last Interglacial Sea-level Variability from circum-Caribbean Fossil Reefs
Research Interests: Climate and Ocean Science, Ocean Biogeochemistry, Science Philanthropy, Science Policy
Current Position/ Institution: Program Scientist / Schmidt Sciences

Major Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Screaton
Thesis Title: Role of Lakebed Sediments in Lake-Groundwater Exchange in Lake Lochloosa, Central Florida

Major Advisor: Dr. Michal Kowalewski
Thesis Title: Paleoecology of the Florida Shell and Fill Quarry

Major Advisor: Dr. David Foster
Thesis Title: Geologic Mapping and Detrital Zircon U/Pb Geochronology of the Ernie Lake Area of Central Brooks Range in Alaska: Implications for Pre-Mississippian Basement and Brooks Range Architecture

Major Advisor: Dr. Thomas Bianchi
Dissertation Title: Changes in Blue Carbon Burial Rates and Vegetation with Macroclimate Variability in Intertidal Wetlands of Northern Florida

Major Advisor: Dr. Raymond Russo
Dissertation Title: Lower Crustal Densities from Converted Seismic Body Waves: Development and Applications

Major Advisor: Dr. David Foster
Dissertation Title: Evolution and Exposure of Precambrian Basement along the Western Margin of the Wyoming Province

Major Advisor: Dr. Peter Adams
Dissertation Title: The Use of Seismic Interferometry to Identify Crustal Velocity Structure and Other Applications in Environmental Seismology

Major Advisor: Dr. Bruce MacFadden
Thesis Title: Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Montbrook: An Unusual Fossil Locality from the Late Miocene in Northern Florida